Just-In-Time Compilation

JIT compilation in the nbackend is managed by subclasses of JitBase. A JIT compiler may freely be created and configured by the user. It can then be passed to create_kernel using the jit argument of CreateKernelConfig, in which case it is hooked into the KernelFunction.compile method of the generated kernel function:

my_jit = MyJit()
kernel = create_kernel(ast, CreateKernelConfig(jit=my_jit))
func = kernel.compile()

Otherwise, a JIT compiler may also be created free-standing, with the same effect:

my_jit = MyJit()
kernel = create_kernel(ast)
func = my_jit.compile(kernel)

Currently, only wrappers around the legacy JIT compilers are available.

Legacy Just-In-Time Compilation

Historically, pystencils provides two main pathways for just-in-time compilation: The cpu.cpujit module for CPU kernels, and the gpu.gpujit module for device kernels. Both are available here through LegacyCpuJit and LegacyGpuJit.

class pystencils.backend.jit.JitBase

Base class for just-in-time compilation interfaces implemented in pystencils.

abstract compile(kernel)

Compile a kernel function and return a callable object which invokes the kernel.

Return type:

Callable[..., None]


kernel (KernelFunction) –

class pystencils.backend.jit.LegacyCpuJit

Wrapper around pystencils.cpu.cpujit


Compile a kernel function and return a callable object which invokes the kernel.

Return type:

Callable[..., None]


kernel (KernelFunction) –

class pystencils.backend.jit.NoJit

Not a JIT compiler: Used to explicitly disable JIT compilation on an AST.


Compile a kernel function and return a callable object which invokes the kernel.

Return type:

Callable[..., None]


kernel (KernelFunction) –

pystencils.backend.jit.no_jit = <pystencils.backend.jit.jit.NoJit object>

Disables just-in-time compilation for a kernel.

class pystencils.backend.jit.LegacyGpuJit

Wrapper around pystencils.gpu.gpujit


Compile a kernel function and return a callable object which invokes the kernel.

Return type:

Callable[..., None]


kernel (KernelFunction) –